OPD Timings:- Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Egg & Sperm Freezing

Egg freezing allows females to freeze and store their eggs for use in future when they are ready to become pregnant. This procedure usually suppresses the reproductive biological clock of women, providing them more options to choose than earlier

Semen Freezing : Cryopreservation of semen involves the cooling of a sperm and storage at a temperature at which all metabolic processes are arrested .In practice frozen sperm are stored at temperature of -196 c in liquid nitrogen . Sperms for freezing can be received from the two sources – semen received from ejaculation or extracted inside the clinic while the surgical treatment.

The cryoperserved sperms are usually stored for a specific length of period such as one year. It is trusted that sperms used after the freezing process do not result in any birth abnormalities as in case of freshly sperms.

It is done if:

  • Sperm count is very low
  • Husband is abroad
  • Male partner has undergone/ is undergoing any treatment like chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

The sperms can be stored for utilization in IUI, IVF, ICSI and other infertility treatment procedures. The stored sperms can be used while treatment to avoid additional sperm extraction from male.

Contact Us

Bhangoo Fertility & Test Tube Baby Centre
Railway Road, Opposite HDFC Bank,
Doraha – 141421. District Ludhiana.

Phone: (+91) 9915400959
Email: bhangooivf@gmail.com